Don’s Ego


Random, Part 13: Hot Mess

Filed under: music, Random — Tags: , — donkowalewski @ 4:34 pm

Until last year, I had never heard the phrase “hot mess”. It appears to describe the girl at the party (I suppose a male could also be referred to as a “hot mess”) who can’t find her phone, her panty-hose are ripped, maybe she’s carrying her shoes under her arms, her drink spilled all over her, her hair’s a wreck, she can’t find her friends, she’s completely wasted (and probably crying), confused, and too stupid to go home. Am I understanding correctly?

Cobra Starship, a group I’m only supposed to like if I’m a h.s. girl, I guess, has a new song and I like it. I knew some hot messes back in the day.  Enjoy.

Seriously, when I say a blog entry is “random”, don’t think I’m kidding. I’m not always going to hide the meaning of life inside blog entries. Sometimes these are just here so some evening when I’m sitting at home playing Soduku on Facebook, I can remember I heard this song on a radio station and I want to download it. For all I know, I’ve written that last sentence dozens of times prior.  I’m a hot blog-mess, I guess. Shut it.  (p.s. I also don’t know if I’m legally supposed to embed this video, so you might be reading about a song and not have any idea what I mean. If so …click here.


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