Don’s Ego


Passions, Part 8: spunkybean and Writing

Filed under: Passions — Tags: , , , , , — donkowalewski @ 4:49 pm

Remember way back 2 or 3 years ago when spunkybean was this idea for a pop-culture site, but really was just a place I’d write about American Idol? Well, unlike many “crazy ideas” I’ve had, I’ve kept at this one (unlike my idea for a “hands free” device for your car that looks like two hands holding a steering wheel at “10” and “2” that would keep a person from being pulled over by the cops, because they’d always see two hands on the wheel …they’d also see four hands if you were then steering with your knees and using your real hands to smoke a cigarette and talk on the phone …still working out the kinks).

Where was I? Oh, yes. spunkybean. It’s clippin’ along. We have added another writer who does fashion reviews of award shows and helps me recap The Bachelor. Plus, I also have a “web guy” and not like a Spiderman “web guy” …but a super smart guy who knows about computers and webpage building and analytics. He’s been doing some great things and we’ve now got nearly 50,000 readers each month. Cool right.

For the record, my recaps of last night’s Top-12 Girls and Tuesday night’s Top-12 Boys are posted. I may have uncovered a vast right-wing conspiracy, to boot.

Then, get this …while writing as a hobby, somehow I’ve been able to pick up a few clients who pay me to write stuff for them. In their voice. So that means, with spunkybean in the mix, I’m currently writing about pop-culture, luxury real-estate, triathlons, and now …this will blow your mind …metaphysics. Not to mention the book I’m co-authoring on “sales” and general motivation. Things are really happening.

So …feel free to leave a comment saying “congrats” or “wow, Don! I marvel at you.” It would be appreciated.  And if all that wasn’t cool enough, someone who read my previous entry about Patrick Stumps solo EP called to tell me that Patrick Stump had done a recording session with Daryl Hall of all people. Yes …the Daryl Hall from Hall & Oates. And on YouTube there’s like seven songs which is totally awesome because (a) I’ve always loved Hall & Oates and (b) I really dig Patrick Stump, formerly of Fall Out Boy. So …if you are me, you will def’ enjoy this offering. And if you are sorta like me, or just want to give it a listen …here’s Daryl Hall and Patrick Stump performing Fall Out Boy’s “Sophomore Slump.” Enjoy.


Melancholy, Part 3: My Daughter Got Her Ears Pierced

Filed under: Melancholy — Tags: , , — donkowalewski @ 7:44 am

Oh, nostalgia … I’ve been resistant to the concept of my 7-year-old getting her ears pierced. Not because I’m opposed to pierced ears. Mostly, I’m opposed to my daughter growing up. And trust me, in an instant, as she whirled around our kitchen and proudly tucked her hair behind her ears to show-off her little diamond studs, she definitely looked a little more grown-up than she had two hours earlier when I watched her and her mother head off to the mall.

I told my four-year-old daughter that I would never let her and Mom go to the mall alone. She asked why. I said because I don’t want you to come home with pierced ears and be a big girl. She said defiantly that she’d never want pierced ears. I drew up documents and made her sign them in triplicate. It’s binding. Problem …solved.

Then Patrick Stump gave me this clever song that, I think, sums up exactly how I’m feeling. My daughter is definitely her own spotlight and every day she shines a little brighter. I know there will be many more “Daddy, I got my ears pierced” moments and I look forward to them as much as I fear them. Oh well …

I loved Fall Out Boy, but maybe I was really a fan of Patrick Stump and maybe Pete Wentz was overrated. And maybe Ashley Simpson was Fall Out Boy’s Yoko Ono. Or maybe it’s not nearly that interesting. But I like Patrick Stump and he’s just released his first EP and here’s the song “Spotlight (Oh, Nostalgia)”. Kinda sums up my feelings on this cold Tuesday morning.

Clever song and cool video (at least watch it for the awesome stunts).

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